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NEOTech’s Excellence in Microelectronics Services: A Case Study on SWaPC Optimization for Automated Microelectronics Assembly

In the aerospace and defense industry, the focus of SWaPC (Size, Weight, Power, and Cost) for microelectronics assemblies is a critical consideration for the design and deployment of high-performance, multi-function RF & Microwave systems.

Coupled with performance and reliability, SWaPC factors are fundamental to ensuring that systems are not only operating at peak performance, but are also efficient, lightweight, and cost-effective to produce and maintain. This paper explores NEOTech’s recently enhanced capabilities in SWaPC optimization, highlighting its use of automated manufacturing and test technology, professional expertise, and groundbreaking achievements in microelectronic interconnects.

Company Overview

NEOTech Center of ExcellenceOver the last 30 years, NEOTech has established itself as a premier leader in the microelectronics sector, and particularly within the most demanding segments of aerospace and defense. NEOTech is renowned for its innovative solutions in producing and assembling microelectronics for the most demanding environments, demonstrating a consistent commitment to excellence in pushing the boundaries of SWaPC considerations.

For over 20 years, NEOTech has proudly partnered with some of the nation’s leading Aerospace & Defense OEMs, specializing in the complex manufacturing of microelectronics assemblies. With the responsibility of managing thousands of individual SKUs and producing tens of thousands of assemblies, NEOTech consistently delivers to the highest quality standards demanded by mission-critical applications. Throughout these two decades, we have cultivated unparalleled expertise, improving production yields from 99.3% to an industry-leading 99.99%. This continuous improvement has directly contributed to the success of our A&D partners and the near-flawless performance of essential aerospace and defense systems.

SWaPC Drives the Aerospace and Defense Market Segment

  1. Size: In aerospace and defense applications, reducing the size of electronic components is crucial to fit within the constrained spaces of aircraft, satellites, and defense systems. Smaller components often translate to more efficient use of space, allowing for additional functionalities or reducing the overall footprint of the system.
  2. Weight: Weight reduction is essential for aerospace applications where every ounce can impact performance and fuel efficiency. In defense systems, lighter components contribute to better maneuverability and less strain on the platform.aerospace and defense manufacturing - electronics manufacturing - NEOTech
  3. Power: Minimizing power consumption is vital for extending operational life and enhancing the reliability of electronic systems. This is particularly important in remote or inaccessible locations where frequent maintenance or power supply is not feasible.
  4. Cost: While cost is often a balancing factor, it is crucial for maintaining budgetary constraints and ensuring the economic feasibility of projects. Efficient SWaPC strategies help in reducing overall costs through optimized design and manufacturing processes.


Technological Advancements and Automated Solutions

NEOTech dedication to investing in our advancement in automated technology has significantly contributed to our ability to excel in SWaPC optimization. Automated systems enhance precision, efficiency, and scalability, which are critical for meeting stringent aerospace and defense requirements. Key advancements NEOTech has made include:

  1. Automated Assembly Lines: The entire NEOTech organization is committed to a culture of continuous improvement. Our focus towards implementing state-of-the-art automated assembly lines allows our microelectronics team to achieve higher precision in microelectronic assembly, reducing the size and weight of components while maintaining high performance.
  2. Advanced Testing and Inspection: Automated testing and inspection systems ensure that components meet rigorous standards without compromising on size or weight. NEOTech’s commitment to developing an industry leading expertise in automated testing and inspection guarantees higher reliability and reduced costs when compared to manual testing processes.
  3. Miniaturization Techniques: NEOTech, by far, stands above the competition in developing repeatable and sustainable processes for automation that supports advanced miniaturization techniques, such as micro-scale soldering and component placement. This advanced experience is essential for developing compact, lightweight electronic systems.

Industry Manufacturing Equipment - Micro electronics

Professional Expertise

NEOTech’s professional expertise is a cornerstone of our success in SWaPC optimization. Our team comprises leading experts in microelectronics, materials science, and engineering. Our collective experience and knowledge enables NEOTech engineering and manufacturing teams to tackle complex challenges and deliver innovative solutions.

  1. Design and Engineering: Our engineering teams employ cutting-edge design methodologies to achieve optimal SWaPC metrics. This includes advanced modeling techniques, simulation tools, and iterative design processes that refine components to meet specific size, weight, power, and cost targets.
  2. Materials Science: NEOTech’s expertise in materials science allows our teams to select and develop materials that contribute to reduced size and weight while maintaining performance, vital for sustained product reliability in harsh environments. This includes the use of advanced composites and high-density substrates.Micro electronics manufacturing team | NEOTech
  3. Integration and System Optimization: Our ability to integrate microelectronics into larger systems efficiently and cost-effectively is a testament to our expertise. This involves optimizing the interface between microelectronic components and their larger systems to achieve the best possible SWaPC outcomes.

Historical Achievements and Impact

Historically, NEOTech has been at the forefront of groundbreaking achievements in microelectronic assemblies. Notable achievements include:

  1. Development of High-Density Integrated Circuits: We have been pioneers in the development of high-density integrated circuits that offer significant reductions in size and weight while enhancing performance and reliability.
  2. Advancements in Packaging Technology: Innovations in microelectronics packaging technologies have allowed for more compact and robust designs, leading to reductions in size and weight without compromising on functionality.
  3. Leadership in Aerospace and Defense Applications: Our contributions to aerospace and defense applications have set industry standards for SWaPC optimization and technologies have been integral to the development of advanced aerospace systems and defense equipment.

Example: NEOTech exceeds the standards for Double-Sided Multilayered Encapsulated PCBAs

**1. Complex Design and Manufacturing: NEOTech is trusted by industry leaders for the production of state-of-the-art double-sided multilayered encapsulated PCBAs that exemplify our expertise in SWaPC optimization. These PCBAs are characterized by their compact design and high-density interconnections, which significantly reduce size and weight while maintaining exceptional performance.

**2. Advanced Encapsulation Techniques: To enhance durability and reliability, we employed advanced encapsulation techniques that protect sensitive components from environmental factors and mechanical stress. This innovation not only improves the longevity of the PCBAs but also contributes to reduced overall system weight.

**3. Success in Aerospace and Defense Applications: The double-sided multilayered encapsulated PCBAs have been successfully integrated into various aerospace and defense systems, demonstrating their effectiveness in meeting stringent SWaPC requirements. NEOTech’s leading position in manufacturing these assemblies has played a crucial role in enhancing the performance and efficiency of complex electronic systems used in high-demand environments.

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NEOTech’s exceptional capabilities in SWaPC optimization through automated technology, professional expertise, and historical achievements underscore our leadership in the microelectronics sector. By continually advancing in these areas, we not only meet but exceed the demanding requirements of the aerospace and defense industries. Our commitment to innovation and excellence ensures that NEOTech remains at the forefront of microelectronic assembly manufacturing, driving forward the capabilities of modern aerospace and defense systems.Micro electronics Circuit | NEOTech

In summary, NEOTech exemplifies how effective utilization of SWaPC considerations, supported by technological and professional advancements, can lead to unparalleled reductions in size, weight, power, and cost, ultimately enhancing the performance and sustained reliability of mission critical products.


Microelectronics Assembly Services for your Unique Product Requirements

With more than forty years of expertise in high-reliability hybrid and RF technologies, NEOTech has established itself as the largest provider of microelectronics assembly services in North America. We offer a comprehensive array of services encompassing the design, development, and manufacturing of microelectronic assemblies, specializing in microwave electronics and circuits. Our dedicated teams are committed to delivering technical support and advanced testing ensuring superior quality and reliability for our customers.

Visit our Microelectronics Services page for more information about our capabilities.

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Please feel free to access NEOTech’s design guides for detailed specifications to optimize your design.

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Mark Darrow, NEOTech Director of Microelectronics Business Development

September 2024

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